Our Team
All our associates are experienced in working with different cultural contexts and sectors, as well as on a variety of responsible enterprise or societal challenges. We each have particular crafts that we maintain excellence in, to provide for our clients, in addition to specialist knowledge in responsible enterprise. All our associates are involved in responsible enterprise because of a passion to transform economic life to make it more affirming of life as a whole.
We are located in UK, France, Switzerland, Germany and Spain. Between us we speak 4 languages, including English, French, German, and Spanish.
If you would like more information on our expertise and accomplishments please contact us.
Dr. Jem Bendell. Lifeworth Founder. With 17 years experience in responsible enterprise research, strategy advisory, education, communications and entrepreneurship, working with UN agencies, international NGOs and business. Particular strengths in the fields of sustainable luxury, thought leadership on responsible enterprise, and cross-sectoral relations. Particular crafts of research, writing, educating, public speaking and strategy advisory. Now the Founding Director of the Institute for Leadership and Sustainability, Professor Bendell leaves the operations of Lifeworth to the General Manager. UK based. |
Ian Doyle. General Manager. With 7 years experience in business process optimisation and project management, previously with insurance and pension funds, he has transferred his skills to the luxury sector. He recently co-authored a benchmarking report on the ethical sourcing of luxury jewellery brands, providing the basis for a sustainability strategy proposal for Fabergé. As well as publishing and speaking on sustainability issues related to the sourcing of gemstones, he has also written on CSR in the beauty industry – he will be contributing to both these themes in the forthcoming book Sustainable Luxury Management. Grenoble based. |
Anne Ellersiek. Lifeworth Associate. With 8 years experience in analysis of sustainable development partnerships and networks. Particular strength in the field of partnerships for natural resource governance. Particular crafts in quantitative and qualitative methods of network analysis and social change analysis. Berlin based. |
Matthew Slater. Lifeworth Associate. With 10 years experience in information systems design for social causes, previously for humanitarian emergencies. Particular strengths in social applications of digital technologies. Particular crafts in online information system design with open source software, and applications for complementary currencies and local-community collaboration. Geneva based. |
Dr. Jonathan Leighton. Lifeworth Associate. With over 10 years experience in marketing, training and communications, with a scientific research background. Writer, communications consultant and university lecturer. Particular strengths in the fields of science, global health, ethics and humanitarian issues. Particular crafts in writing, training and developing creative communication strategies. Lausanne based. |
Xavier Malagoli. Lifeworth Associate. With 4 years experience in financial services and executive education. Particular expertise in social dimensions of financial services and tax management, with a Diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility. Particular crafts in research, writing, editing, and translation in Spanish, French and English. Barcelona based. |
The latest on our team: