People working in the corporate responsibility field are becoming a social movement. That’s the conclusion of journalist Bill Baue, of Sea Change Radio (the best weekly podcast on all things to do with sustainable business). Bill writes in CSR Wire that “perhaps the biggest CSR development of the year [2009] was not readily visible, as it was... Read more
TAGS: csr, sea change radio, social movement The Financial Values Crisis – is the World Economic Forum the place to begin fixing it?A new study from the World Economic Forum has found: * Over two-thirds of people believe the current economic crisis is also a crisis of ethics and values. * The poll results point to a trust deficit regarding values in the business world. * Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, said the report underlines the need... Read more
TAGS: financial crisis, World Economic Forum The Implications of the Copenhagen Summit for Globally Responsible LeadersPost-Copenhagen, it is becoming clear that the only responsible thing for companies and financial institutions to do is to call for a new global framework for carbon taxation, and an end to ineffective and unfair carbon cap and trade markets. The intergovernmental paralysis that has been caused over the last 18 years by seeking agreements on carbon... Read more
TAGS: carbon charge, climate, leadership, responsible lobbying Lifeworth Publishes Directory of CSR-related organisations in Geneva.We can announce the release of the first Directory of CSR Geneva participants. It lists almost 100 organisations and who they are collaborating with in Geneva. To download your free copy as pdf file, visit (or right click and save the target file to your harddrive). Lifeworth’s Dr Jem Bendell is a co-founder... Read more