UN Report Calls for Further Standardising CSR & ESG to Promote Public Interest

“In the wake of the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, questions have been raised about the meaningfulness of voluntary corporate responsibility communications and the analysis of these by responsible investors,” claims the Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development, Supachai Panitchpakdi. This has made it necessary... Read more

From Global Compact to Global Impact

In June the largest corporate responsibility (CR) initiative in the world, the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) celebrated 10 years since its launch, with a Leader’s Summit in New York. I’ve followed the the Global Compact since correspondence in 1998 with its founder Georg Kell; we discussed how the UN could learn from how NGOs and... Read more

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Will Design Thinking Save Us? The Creativity Revolution in Responsible Business.

There is a shift under way in the how some executives are thinking about their relationship to society and the great challenges of our time. If you work in this field, you will have begun to hear more about social enterprise, social innovation, CSR 2.0, a sustainable enterprise economy, and design thinking. This is part of what I call a ‘creativity... Read more

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¼ of the world’s financial capital now signed up to responsible investing

According to new figures, over a ¼ of the world’s capital assets under fund management are now signed on to responsible investing, through being signatories of the UNPRI (the UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment). Happening in less than 5 years, this is an unprecedented movement in the history of world finance. Is a jobs boom in this... Read more

Pakistan’s 1st signatory to the UNPRI would further the reach of responsible investment

Lifeworth Associate Hanniah Tariq returned to her home country of Pakistan to do some pro-bono work advancing responsible investment there. We are delighted that through her efforts even challenging conditions such as those faced by Pakistan at present, need not be barriers to responsible investment and we hope, such investment strategies might support... Read more

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Video Interview with Director of UNPRI

In the belly of the beast of global finance, there are people motivated not by bonuses, but by supporting a more fair and sustainable world. These people can become allies not enemies of the needed transformation of finance and investment. The new networks and projects they are creating may be crucial in the coming years, as societies call on governments... Read more

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Post-crisis, Capitalism now a focus for CSR, says Lifeworth Review

Capitalism is up for debate, and that’s a good thing, according to a new review from a management consultancy. “The dual financial and climate crises are leading people in all walks of life to question the kind of economy that makes sense for their businesses, communities and families,” explains lead author of the review, Associate Professor... Read more

CSR Wire says CSR solidifying into a social movement

People working in the corporate responsibility field are becoming a social movement. That’s the conclusion of journalist Bill Baue, of Sea Change Radio (the best weekly podcast on all things to do with sustainable business). Bill writes in CSR Wire that “perhaps the biggest CSR development of the year [2009] was not readily visible, as it was... Read more

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The Financial Values Crisis – is the World Economic Forum the place to begin fixing it?

A new study from the World Economic Forum has found: * Over two-thirds of people believe the current economic crisis is also a crisis of ethics and values. * The poll results point to a trust deficit regarding values in the business world. * Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, said the report underlines the need... Read more

The Implications of the Copenhagen Summit for Globally Responsible Leaders

Post-Copenhagen, it is becoming clear that the only responsible thing for companies and financial institutions to do is to call for a new global framework for carbon taxation, and an end to ineffective and unfair carbon cap and trade markets. The intergovernmental paralysis that has been caused over the last 18 years by seeking agreements on carbon... Read more

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