Can Scotland keep the pound and leave the UK? The message from No 11 is that no it can’t. That position was presented by Chancellor George Osborne as technical, not political, and reported as such by UK mainstream media. For instance the BBC reported today: “There is no rule or principle in international law requiring the continuing UK to formally... Read more
TAGS: currency, scotcoin Creating Resilience – With Community Exchange SystemsHow can communities and local businesses be more resilient to those winds of global finance that influence our quality of life yet seem beyond our control? The answer is to create our own credit clearing systems; so suggested Thomas Greco, during his recent European tour. His latest book “The End of Money and the Future of Civilisation” lays down... Read more
TAGS: community exchange Elegant Disruption – how luxury and society can change each other for goodJust over five years ago I began working on the luxury industry. I thought, why cant these elite brands not excel in social and environmental performance? I researched, wrote and produced the report Deeper Luxury for WWF-UK, and it triggered a bit of a furore in the fashion press and wider luxury industry (about 8000 sites now link to the report).... Read more
TAGS: innovation, luxury Learn about alternative currencies and exchange systems for sustainabilityEnabling the more efficient exchange and sharing of products and services, in order to increase human well-being while reducing the consumption of natural resources, is a key dimension to the sustainability transition. A less understood dimension of this challenge is the role of alternative currencies and exchange systems in enabling that efficiency.... Read more
TAGS: community currencies Sick of the financial crisis? Become the cure!Around the world, and somewhere near you, businesses and communities are creating their own means of exchange. They are realising we do not need to rely on banks and their costly credit to trade among ourselves. Your company and your community could benefit by participating in these schemes, or by starting one up. In the coming months, Lifeworth, in... Read more
TAGS: community currencies How your company can help create more jobsMass unemployment is becoming a headache for all world leaders. At the World Economic Forums (WEF) this year in Davos, Bangkok and Istanbul, I noticed the number one thing leaders were discussing was how to address growing unemployment. Globally, in the next 10 years there will be over a billion young people coming into the workforce and just 300 million... Read more
TAGS: Unemployment, World Economic Forum Collaborative Consumption and BeyondDo you have a car pool at work? Car-sharing revenues in North America have been predicted to reach US$3.3 billion by 2016. There are many start-ups in this field, including Zipcar, which floated last year for US $174M. Enabling the more efficient exchange and sharing of products and services, in order to increase human well-being while reducing the... Read more
TAGS: collaborative consumption, community currencies, sustainable exchange Teaming Up for Massive Change in 2012Everywhere we turn, we hear people asking “how long can it go on?” Whether it is financial crisis in the West, environmental pollution in the East, or increasing prices and natural disasters everywhere, there’s a growing sense of dystopia, and of the need for more fundamental reform of our economic and political systems. Mass protests... Read more
TAGS: annual review, massive positive change Re-designing Capitalism – the role for businessThe current debate about economic growth is based on false assumptions about the monetary system, so both management consultants and business schools must do better to help business leaders explore how to re-design capitalism, according to Lifeworth’s founder, Professor Jem Bendell, in a recent video interview. Professor Bendell explains that... Read more
TAGS: APCSE, capitalism, Economic Growth, Griffith Business School Why Your Company Should OccupyWallStreetConstant financial crises and growing protests over economic policies now punctuate the headlines. Personal crises, over debt or job insecurity, sadly punctuate our conversations with friends and family. Capitalism seems sick, or at least this version of it. So for those of us working on corporate social responsibility, social enterprise and responsible... Read more
TAGS: Protests